Family Activities to Help You Feel Unified and Happy in the New Year

Although COVID-19 is still restricting the things we can do and the places we can visit, there are still ways to engage in activities to bring your family together during the new year. Use this unprecedented time to create new traditions with your family and enjoy the time that you have with family together. 

  1. Have a family pizza night. Order in some pizza or make it a little more involved and make it yourself! A lot of restaurants are offering “make your own pizza” kits for families at this time that you can pick up or have delivered. Another option is to pick up the ingredients from your local grocery store. Everyone can get involved in some way and it covers the problem of what’s for dinner for a night or two!

  2. Play games together. Good old fashioned board games or charades are a great way for the family to put away tablets and phones and engage in an activity with one another. If you have older children, a trivia night on a family favorite topic or television show can be another fun way to bond. 

  3. Bake. Baking seems like a simple concept; however, it is a great way to spend time with your children while also practicing reading and counting through recipes and measuring ingredients. 

  4. Build a fort. Building a fort is an easy way to engage with children of any age and likely does not require any supplies other than what you already have at home. Grab some pillows or cushions and a few sheets and you are ready to build. There are even instructions online on how to build a fort to simplify the process. After the fort is built you can also make the activity into a family sleepover and allow for the fun to continue all night!

  5. Explore new areas. Bundle up and spend some time outside with your family this winter. Take a walk in your neighborhood or wander a little further and explore surrounding neighborhoods, you may find a new playground or bakery to utilize with your family! Look into places where you could go with your family to hike. Being outside is a good way to get a change of scenery while also being able to be COVID safe.

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